The Pan-Amazonian Social Forum (FOSPA) saw the birth of the Global Parliamentary Front for the Rights of Nature, with the objective of working for the recognition and effective implementation of the Rights of Nature.
The proposal to create this front was first launched in October 2021, in Glasgow, Scotland, during the COP26 side events, and it has become a reality through the formation of a global platform of parliamentarians, deputies, councilors, and heads of executive power, drivers of the Rights of Nature.
The global ecological, climate, and biodiversity crises, which have their main origin in human action – which has been increasingly focused on the production of goods and their financialization – are driving regions and municipalities to recognize the Rights of Nature. Never before in the history of humanity have so many countries and localities recognized the Rights of Mother Earth.
This non-anthropocentric paradigm is based on the worldviews of indigenous peoples, who assume that all human communities are part of Nature. All human and non-human beings are interconnected and interrelated in a community that needs to practice complementarity, reciprocity, and cooperation to maintain the dynamic balance of Nature.
The launch and signing of this front took place in Belém, Brazil on July 28th, and the group also had its first presentation at FOSPA on July 30th. You can watch the launch here and the presentation here.