Community Bill of RightsLatin AmericaRights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectives
Colombia Constitutional Court Finds Atrato River Possesses Rights
Press Release: The Court Finds the Atrato Possesses Rights to “Protection, Conservation, Maintenance, and Restoration” Rights of Nature Movement Gaining Ground as Court Declares Need to Move Away from Legal Systems in Which Humans are the “Dominator of Nature” “(I)t...
PR: India Court Declares Personhood for Ganga and Yumana Rivers
Mar 24, 2017 CELDF working in India to Recognize Rights of the Ganga River Basin Contact: Mari Margil MERCERSBURG, PA, USA: On March 20, the High Court of Uttarakhand at Naintal, in the State of Uttarakhand in northern India,...
Australia and New ZealandCommunity Bill of RightsConferencesRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesWild Law and Earth Jurisprudence
Australian Earth Laws Alliance Updates
Australian Wild Law Alliance (AWLA) announces that as of 22nd July they have changed to the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA). AELA’s new logo was created by designer Skeet Booth. The human fingerprint embedded in the leaf is a lovely...
Books and ArticlesInterviewsRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesWild Law and Earth Jurisprudence
Stepping stones – Tom Brenan reviews Exploring Wild Law
From Ecologist, by Tom Brenan Tom Brenan discovers a wide range of voices from Earth law proponents around the world…… “In his preface to this collection of short articles, the editor Peter Burdon, says that the book is intended to...
Democracy Denied in Small Town, USA
by: Mt. Shasta Community Rights Project, Molly Brown from Editor’s Note: Read the story of the inner workings of Mt. Shasta, California’s effort to pass a Community Water Rights and Self-Government Ordinance. Hear how the citizens of this small town were,...
Wild Law – I Diritti della Natura released in Italy
Davide Sapienza and Diritti della Natura Italia (Rights of Nature Italy) are proud to announce the publication of I Diritti della Natura – Wild Law. Because of the inspiration of Cormac Cullinan, Mari Margil, Thomas Linzey and others, Davide translated...
Rights of Nature dialogue in Nepal with CELDF
Since 2009, the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, head of the Global Alliance’s Legislative Assistance Working Group, has been in discussions with the Center for Economic and Social Development (CESOD) in Nepal, a civil society organization whose work has increasingly...
Rights of Nature Letter to President of Italy
LETTERA AL PRESIDENTE. VANDANA SHIVA IN INDIA, NOI IN ITALIA 13/04/2012 DavSa Presentazioni Alla conferenza I Diritti della Natura di Alzano Lombardo del 30 marzo 2012, abbiamo raccolto oltre 150 firme per la lettera da inviare al Presidente della...
Global Alliance promoting Natural Law
Earth Island Journal’s Jason Mark, explores the emergence of the Rights of Nature movement and its growing impact in this month’s Journal article: Natural Law – From Rural Pennsylvania to South America, a Global Alliance is Promoting the Idea that...
Mother Nature Gets Her Day in Court
Discovery News – Friday January 27 Tim Will of Discovery News speaks with Mari Margil, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) and Linda Sheehan ,Earth Law Center, about Rights of Nature laws in the US, Ecuador and Bolivia. Ecuador and...
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