International Rights of Nature Tribunal in Bonn Findings
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE : 10 November 2017 Media Contact: Robert Wager (media contact) + 49 160 8104348 Cabot Davis (general inquiries) + 1 (831) 854-7634 Natalia Greene (Tribunal’s Secretariat) + 593 9944-3724 Press release Bonn Tribunal (final)-ES...
Climate ChangeConferencesEuropeGlobal AllianceRights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesTribunalUnited Nations
International Rights of Nature Tribunal AGENDA
December 4-5, Maison des Metallos, 94 Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011 Download International Rights of Nature Program ~ Click for English Cliquez pour le français INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS OF NATURE TRIBUNAL A unique, citizen-created initiative to testify publicly about the destruction of...
Climate ChangeEuropeIndigenous wisdomParis COP21Rights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesRoN EventsTribunalUnited Nations
Ccnference “Rights for the Earth: Towards New International Norms”
THE PLACE TO B – 3RD DECEMBER 14H30/17H30 PLACE TO B 5 rue de Dunkerque, 75010, Paris, France Download agenda: ~ Click for English Cliquez pour le français To clarify initiatives convergence towards international frames to protection of the...
Books and ArticlesClimate ChangeEuropeParis COP21Rights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesTribunal
Rights of Nature & Mother Earth: Sowing seeds of resistance, love and change.
Edited by Shannon Biggs and Tom BK Goldtooth Movement Rights, Indigenous Environmental Network and Global Exchange are proud to announce the release of their new report for the Paris climate talks! Edited by Shannon Biggs and Tom BK Goldtooth, this...
Climate ChangeRights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesTribunalUnited Nations
Giving Mother Earth a Voice in Paris
NEWS RELEASE November 27, 2015 Click for Press Release PDF CONTACT: Natalia Greene, Secretariat Giving Mother Earth a Voice in Paris International Tribunal on Rights of Nature Convenes during COP21 December 4-5, 2015 – Maison des Métallos Paris,...
Making Peace with the Earth
Vandana Shiva asked us to share this personal video message to Paris and to everyone on “Making Peace with the Earth.” Please watch and share. We also invite you to sign A People’s Pact for Protection of the...
Donner une voix à la Terre Mère
Alors que les négociations internationales de la COP21 présentent de fausses solutions au réchauffement climatique et sont vouées à l’échec, nous pouvons et nous devons montrer d’autres voies. Le Tribunal des Droits de la Nature se présente comme un véritable...
Paris Tribunal Registration Now Open
The International Rights of Nature Tribunal will meet at Maison des Métallos in Paris on 4th and 5th of December, in conjunction with UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC COP21. The Tribunal is a unique, citizen-created initiative.Logo-RoNtribunal-fr It gives...
Australia and New ZealandEcuadorGlobal AllianceHarmony with NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesRoN EventsTribunalUseful ResoucesWild Law and Earth Jurisprudence
Finally Being Heard: The Great Barrier Reef and the International Rights of Nature Tribunal
By Michelle Maloney, PhD, Australian Earth Laws Alliance In January 2014, the newly created International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature and Mother Earth (‘the Tribunal’) sat for the first time in Quito, Ecuador. The Tribunal, created by international civil...
Thank you and Congratulations
Winter Newsletter and Thank You Members Greetings Alliance Members, Looking back on 2014, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your partnership, resiliency, creativity, and support. Starting with the launch of the International Rights of Nature Tribunal and our...