Australia and New ZealandenvironmentLatin AmericaRights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectives
Universal Declaration of River Rights
From Earth Law Center (ELC) In the first half of 2017, four rivers have been granted legal personhood status, that is, they have been granted the same legal rights as a juristic person. This includes the Whanganui River in New...
Earth-Centered Law and Regulation for Safeguarding Nature – IUCN World Conservation Congress
Join Us for a Workshop on “Earth-Centered Law and Regulation for Safeguarding Nature.” September 4th, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Room 318A, Hawaii Convention Center, Session 10223 Introductory Remarks by Justice Antonio H. Benjamin, Chair, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law Why Should...
Earth-Centered Law and Regulation for Safeguarding Nature – IUCN World Conservation Congress
Join Us for a Workshop on “Earth-Centered Law and Regulation for Safeguarding Nature.” September 4th, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Room 318A, Hawaii Convention Center, Session 10223 Introductory Remarks by Justice Antonio H. Benjamin, Chair, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law Why Should...
Economics for Earth’s Rights
Linda Sheehan, Executive Director ~ Earth Law Center, writing for New Economy Law Center, Vermont Law School “In parallel with the recently concluded climate talks in Paris, I was fortunate to take part in several initiatives to raise awareness of...
COP21: call for international treaty on rights of nature and communities
By Hal Rhoades, 8th December 2015, The Ecologist A new initiative launched alongside COP21 in Paris this week is aiming to “Adopt and implement an international treaty to prevent and enforce against corporate human rights violations” and “Incorporate rights of...
Paris COP21Rights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesRoN EventsTribunalUnited NationsYasuni
Tribunal Offers Earth-Driven, Not Market-Driven, Solutions to Climate Change
PRESS RELEASE Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature Contact: Click for printable Paris Tribunal Press Release International Rights of Nature Tribunal Hears Cases for Mother Earth in Paris Tribunal Offers Earth-Driven, Not Market-Driven, Solutions to Climate Change photo...
Climate ChangeConferencesEuropeGlobal AllianceRights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesTribunalUnited Nations
International Rights of Nature Tribunal AGENDA
December 4-5, Maison des Metallos, 94 Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011 Download International Rights of Nature Program ~ Click for English Cliquez pour le français INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS OF NATURE TRIBUNAL A unique, citizen-created initiative to testify publicly about the destruction of...
Climate ChangeRights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesTribunalUnited Nations
Giving Mother Earth a Voice in Paris
NEWS RELEASE November 27, 2015 Click for Press Release PDF CONTACT: Natalia Greene, Secretariat Giving Mother Earth a Voice in Paris International Tribunal on Rights of Nature Convenes during COP21 December 4-5, 2015 – Maison des Métallos Paris,...
Paris Tribunal Registration Now Open
The International Rights of Nature Tribunal will meet at Maison des Métallos in Paris on 4th and 5th of December, in conjunction with UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC COP21. The Tribunal is a unique, citizen-created initiative.Logo-RoNtribunal-fr It gives...
Climate ChangeenvironmentGlobal AllianceRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesRoN EventsUnited NationsUnited StatesWomen
Re-Visioning Our Relationship with the Earth: Lessons from ‘Rights of Nature and Systemic Change in Climate Solutions’
Deeply aware of the crisis of socio-ecologic injustice created by a dominant system that values growth and profit above all else, an extraordinary group of panelist gathered to speak out at ‘Rights of Nature and Systemic Change in Climate Solutions’...