Paris COP21Rights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesRoN EventsTribunalUnited NationsYasuni
Tribunal Offers Earth-Driven, Not Market-Driven, Solutions to Climate Change
PRESS RELEASE Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature Contact: Click for printable Paris Tribunal Press Release International Rights of Nature Tribunal Hears Cases for Mother Earth in Paris Tribunal Offers Earth-Driven, Not Market-Driven, Solutions to Climate Change photo...
Climate ChangeRights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesTribunalUnited Nations
Giving Mother Earth a Voice in Paris
NEWS RELEASE November 27, 2015 Click for Press Release PDF CONTACT: Natalia Greene, Secretariat Giving Mother Earth a Voice in Paris International Tribunal on Rights of Nature Convenes during COP21 December 4-5, 2015 – Maison des Métallos Paris,...
Paris Tribunal Registration Now Open
The International Rights of Nature Tribunal will meet at Maison des Métallos in Paris on 4th and 5th of December, in conjunction with UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC COP21. The Tribunal is a unique, citizen-created initiative.Logo-RoNtribunal-fr It gives...
Australia and New ZealandEcuadorGlobal AllianceHarmony with NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesRoN EventsTribunalUseful ResoucesWild Law and Earth Jurisprudence
Finally Being Heard: The Great Barrier Reef and the International Rights of Nature Tribunal
By Michelle Maloney, PhD, Australian Earth Laws Alliance In January 2014, the newly created International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature and Mother Earth (‘the Tribunal’) sat for the first time in Quito, Ecuador. The Tribunal, created by international civil...
Books and ArticlesRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesUseful ResoucesWild Law and Earth Jurisprudence
WildLaw Published in Turkish
by Cormac Cullinan “The legal, political and economic systems of contemporary industrialized societies are not only failing to prevent the destruction and degradation of Nature, and with it the well-being of future generations, they encourage and legitimize that destruction. Cullinan...
Australia and New ZealandCommunity Bill of RightsConferencesRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesWild Law and Earth Jurisprudence
Australian Earth Laws Alliance Updates
Australian Wild Law Alliance (AWLA) announces that as of 22nd July they have changed to the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA). AELA’s new logo was created by designer Skeet Booth. The human fingerprint embedded in the leaf is a lovely...
Sydney Wild Law Events: 1st, 2nd & 4th May
AWLA is pleased to announce a series of Wild Law seminars and workshops in Sydney from 1st to 4th May. Information is set out below and can also be found on the Events page of our website. Please circulate to...
Australia and New ZealandConferencesRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesWild Law and Earth Jurisprudence
Call for Papers – Australian Wild Law 2013
2013 Australian Wild Law Alliance “Living within our ecological limits: law and governance to nurture the Earth Community” 27-29 September 2013, Ian Hangar Recital Hall, Southbank, Brisbane – Australia For a copy of our ‘Call for Papers’ flyer, please click here....
Cormac Cullinan SAB Environmentalist of the Year (2012)
Founding member of the Global Alliance and Executive Committee Cormac Cullinan has been awarded the prestigious Nick Steele Memorial Award for Environmentalist of the Year (2012) at the 24th annual SAB Environmental Awards in Johannesburg. As an environmental and green...
Wild Law – a vision for an Earth centred legal system
The Australian Wild Law Alliance (AWLA) and the Environment Defender’s Office Victoria are hosting a 1 day interactive workshop in Melbourne on Friday 17 August, titled “Wild Law – a vision for an Earth centred legal system”. This workshop is...