“Seed freedom is Earth Rights … it is the right of the seed in all its diversity and self organization to evolve into the future.” Dr. Vandana Shiva
Seed is the source of life and the first link in the food chain. Control over seed means a control over our lives, our food and our freedom…
At the Rights of Nature as the Foundation for Sustainability Side Event at Rio+20 Earth Summit, a young Zambian women asked “How to we return control of seed selection to the farmer and the restore the ability of rural farmers to save their seeds rather than being forced to by GMO seeds?” It is currently against the law for farmers in Zambia and other countries to save their own seeds for replanting. They are forced to by new seeds each season from multinational corporations.
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2k0CLSSvEw&feature=plcp’]
Dr. Vandana Shiva eloquently responded by pointing out in 1930 Gandhi led the Salt March – Salt Satyagraha – to the sea against British salt laws because nature gives us salt for free. “When I started Navdanya, we started with the idea of a Seed Satyagraha… Seed freedom is Earth Rights … the right of the seed in all its diversity and self organization to evolve into the future.”