Human Happiness and the Environment – Address by Uruguayan President Jose Mujica at Rio+20 Earth Summit
[yframe url=’’] To all of the authorities present here, from every latitude and organization, thank you very much. I want to thank the people of Brazil and Mrs. President, Dilma Rousseff. Thank you all for the good faith undoubtedly expressed...
America’s Deficit Attention Disorder by David Korten
Read the full article in YES! Magazine by David Korten Money is the least of our problems. It’s time to pay attention to the real deficits that are killing us. … So long as money frames the debate, money is...
America’s Deficit Attention Disorder by David Korten
Read the full article in YES! Magazine by David Korten Money is the least of our problems. It’s time to pay attention to the real deficits that are killing us. … So long as money frames the debate, money is...
Dr. Vandana Shiva invites you to join her in India with Global Exchange
Excerpts from Shannon Biggs at Global Exchange. Read the complete post at Spend a week with Vandana Shiva: Rights of Seeds, Rights of Nature “I think it would be a really good idea at this moment in time, to do...
Rights of Mother Earth in People’s Summit Final Declaration
The social and popular movements, trade unions, people, civil society organizations and environmental organizations from around the world present at the People’s Summit at Rio+20 for Social and Environmental Justice experienced in the camps, mass mobilizations and debates the building...
A unified voice for Rights of Nature and Mother Earth at Rio+20
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I suggest to you that what we are seeing now are the early stages of a momentous change in society. The pipe of the formal UN negotiations is blocked. We can not get the dramatic change we...
Dr Vandana Shiva – Seed Freedom is Earth Rights
“Seed freedom is Earth Rights … it is the right of the seed in all its diversity and self organization to evolve into the future.” Dr. Vandana Shiva Seed is the source of life and the first link in the...
Rights of Nature and Rio+20 – Seeds for the Future We Really Want
Rights of Nature and Rio+20 – Seeds for the Future We Really Want A Report from Robin Milam, Global Alliance for Rights of Nature My intention for Rio+20 was very specific: to make a bold statement for our planet...
Rethinking society from the ground up – Foundation Earth
One of the most promising aspects of the recent Rio+20 Earth Summit are the creative juices that have been triggered to define new, viable solutions – or identify existing ones for that matter – to redirect the course for the...
Blue Pavilion calls for Rights of Nature – People’s Summit Rio+20
“We call for the recognition of the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth in order to guarantee that the biosphere and its inhabitants are protected for sustainability and ecological balance.” – Blue Pavilion Final Declaration The Global Alliance...
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