Dr Vandana Shiva | Navdanya |
Desmond Tutu | Archbishop Emeritus, Nobel Peace Lauriat |
Joanna Macy | Eco-philosopher |
Nnimmo Bassey | Friends of the Earth International, Environmental Rights Action Nigeria |
David Suzuki | David Suzuki Foundation |
Leonardo Boff | Professor Emeritus |
Annie Leonard | The Story of Stuff Project |
Maude Barlow | Council of Canadians |
Pablo Solon | Focus on the Global South, Former UN Ambassador |
Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann | Nicaraguan diplomat, Former President UN General Assembly |
Eduaro Galeano | author, journalist |
Rabbi Michael Lerner | Tikkun and the Network of Spiritual Progressives |
Mary Evelyn Tucker | Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale |
Tom B.K. Goldtooth | Indigenous Environmental Network |
Daniel Wildcat | Haskell Indian Nations University |
Paul Hawken | Environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist, and author. |
Jack Canfield | Life mentor, motivational speaker, and author. |
Polly Higgins | Environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist, and author. |
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz | Tebtebba Foundation |
Bill Plotkin | Animas Valley Institute |
Nina Simons | Bioneers |
Lynne Twist | The Soul of Money |
Alberto Acosta | Former head, Ecuador Constitution Committee |
Ivonne Yanez | Accion Ecologica. |
Caitlin Sislin | Women’s Earth Alliance |
Daniel Pinchbeck | Reality Sandwich, |
Evo Morales Ayma | President, Plurinational State of Bolivia |
Gabriel Nossovitch | WorldWorks Mexico |
Ghyslain Bovary | Maison Abraham NGO |
His All Holiness Ecumenical Patiarch Bartholomew | Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome |
Jay Walljapser | |
John Perkins | Author, environmentalist, Economic Hitman, CEO |
Anuradha Mittla | Oakland Institute |
Cormac Cullinan | Enact International/Cullinan & Associates |
Jonathan Granoff | Global Security Institute |
Jon Love | Pachamama Alliance |
Kathleen McIntire | |
Shannon Biggs | Global Exchange |
Linda Sheehan | Earth Law Center |
Osprey Orielle Lake | Women’s Earth and Climate Caucus |
Mario Melo | Environmental and human rights attorney, Ecuador |
Margaret Atwood | Novelist, poet and environmental activist |
Mari Margil | Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) |
Thomas Linzey | Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) |
Ben Price | Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) |
Michelle Maloney | Australian Wild Law Alliance |
Mr. Gosiame Choabi – Southern Africa | We Have Faith |
Briann Swimme | Center for the Story of the Universe |
Natalia Greene | Pachamama Alliance |
Nicola Bullard | Focus on the Global South |
Vinit Allen | Sustainable World Coalition |
Atossa Soltani | Amazon Watch |
Bill Twist | Pachamama Alliance |
Peter Burdon | Australian Wild Law Alliance |
Liz Rivers | Wild Law UK |
Susan George | political Scientisth and writer |
Pat Mooney | ETC Group |
Patrick Bond | University of KwaZulu-Natal, Climate Justice Activist |
Carine Natal | The Gaia Foundation |
Alessandro Pelizzon | Australian Wild Law Alliance |
Paul Hawken | Environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist, and author. |
Robin Milam | Global Alliance for Rights of Nature |
Roxana Costellon | Bolivian Attorney |
Sara Larrain | Latin American environmentalist |
Sheila Watt-Cloutier | Canadian Environmental and Human Rights Activist |
Shekkap Kapur | Indian Film director and producer |
Stephen Dinan | Shift Network |
Steve Motenko | Spring of Sustainability |
Alexandra Postelnicu | Rights of Mother Earth Campaign |
Ami Marcus | Environmental activist and entrepreneur |
Doris Ragettli | Rights of Mother Earth Campaign |
Davide Sapienza | Diritti della Natura Italia |
Numerous Sisters of Charity | Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth |
Numerous Sisters of Mercy | Mercy International Association |
Numerous Sisters of Mercy | Sisters of Mercy of Americas |
Numerous Sisters of the Living Word | Sisters of the Living Word SLW |
Numerous Grey Nuns | Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart |