5th International Rights of Nature Tribunal: False solutions to the climate change crisis / Amazon, a threatened living entity
The 5th International Rights of Nature Tribunal took place on Wednesday, November 3rd, and Thursday, November 4th at 4 pm (GMT) in Glasgow, alongside the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26). Due to COVID and traveling restrictions, this Tribunal...
Red mud pollution in Marseille: Fifth and final case of European Rights of Nature Tribunal
The factory of Gardanne (Bouches du Rhône), is producing alumina or aluminum oxide, a material used to make electronic components, ceramics, and refractory material. This activity emits toxic waste full of heavy metals and heightened radioactivity, causing the famous “red...
Hydropower dams damaging the Balkan rivers: Fourth case hearing of European Rights of Nature Tribunal
The Balkan Rivers are a huge hotspot for biodiversity, but they are being threatened by the construction of 3,500 small hydropower dams, resulting in the mass destruction of ecosystems and watercourses, and thus, of several unique species. Experts have deemed...
Third case of the European Tribunal in Defense of Aquatic Ecosystems: Lake Vättern Case
The Tribunal will hear and try five critical aquatic ecosystem cases brought by frontline, impacted communities, and experts from across Europe. This third case in the series is focusing on Lake Vättern. Lake Vättern is the second largest lake in Sweden. It...
International Rights of Nature Tribunal in Bonn Findings
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE : 10 November 2017 Media Contact: Robert Wager (media contact) robert@endecocide.eu + 49 160 8104348 Cabot Davis (general inquiries) cabot@movementrights.org + 1 (831) 854-7634 Natalia Greene (Tribunal’s Secretariat) nati.greene@gmail.com + 593 9944-3724 Press release Bonn Tribunal (final)-ES...
Press Release: Cases at the International Rights of Nature Tribunal in Bonn
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 3 November 2017 Media Contact: Robert Wager (media contact) robert@endecocide.eu + 49 160 8104348 Cabot Davis (general inquiries) cabot@movementrights.org + 1 (831) 854-7634 Natalia Greene (Tribunal’s Secretariat) nati.greene@gmail.com + 593 9944-3724 PRESS RELEASE Bonn RoN Press Release...
Bonn Tribunal Program and Brochures
The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) will hold the International Rights of Nature Tribunal in Bonn, at the LVR Landesmuseum on the 7th and 8th of November 2017. To learn more about the Bonn Tribunal, click the...
Cuarto Tribunal Internacional de Derechos de la Naturaleza, Bonn, Alemania
LANZAMIENTO INMEDIATO 2 de noviembre 2017 Contacto de prensa: Robert Wager (contacto de prensa) robert@endecocide.eu + 49 160 810 4348 Natalia Greene (Secretaría del Tribunal) nati.greene@gmail.com + 593 9944-3724 BOLETÍN DE PRENSA CUARTO TRIBUNAL INTERNACIONAL DE DERECHOS DE LA NATURALEZA,...
Press Release: International Rights of Nature Tribunal Bonn, Germany
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 28th 2017 Media Contact: Robert Wager (media contact) robert@endecocide.eu + 49 151 1547-2813 Cabot Davis (general inquiries) cabot@movementrights.org + 1 (831) 854-7634 Natalia Greene (Tribunal’s Secretariat) nati.greene@gmail.com + 593 9944-3724 PRESS RELEASE Print: International Rights of...