Rights of Nature and Rio+20 – Seeds for the Future We Really Want
Rights of Nature and Rio+20 – Seeds for the Future We Really Want A Report from Robin Milam, Global Alliance for Rights of Nature http://www.therightsofnature.org My intention for Rio+20 was very specific: to make a bold statement for our planet...
Open Your Eyes by Milena Paraschive and Radu Popescu
Winners of the Rio+20 Global Rockstar Contest – Milena Paraschive and Raud Popescu of Romania – sang their beautiful composition of Open Your Eyes for the Rights of Nature as the Foundation for Sustainability Panel Dialogue and Rights of Mother...
UN Radio: Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature promotes its cause at Rio+20
More than 100 heads of State and government, along with thousands of people from civil society are in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development. The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature is hoping that...
Kari Oca II Blessing of the Declaration
Blessing ceremony of the historical Kari Oca II Declaration, Kari-Oka Village, at Sacred Kari-Oka Púku, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20 June 2012. Over five hundred Indigenous Peoples from Brazil and throughout the world gathered at Kari-Oca II, an encampment seated...
Peoples Sustainability Manifesto
For Action Beyond RIO+20, June 2012 The fourteen Peoples’ Sustainability Treaties, evolved through a consultative process with hundred of civil society organizations, converged at the Rio+20 to launch a Manifesto on the final day of the summit. They have declared...
Awakening the Dreamer Symposium in Rio June 13, 2012
Awakening the Dreamer Changing the Dream: Living Beyond War is a profound inquiry into a bold vision: to bring forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just human presence on Earth. You will gain fresh insight about our world,...
20 years after the Earth Summit: What does the future hold?
Excerpts of article by Dr. Vandana Shiva. For complete article visit Aljazeera 01 Jun 2012 06:52 None of us are immune to climate change, or the effects it will have on the earth and our environment. In June 2012, movements...
Earth Democracy and the Rights of Mother Earth
Tikkun Magazine, by Vandana Shiva, December 12, 2011 Earth Rights: A New Paradigm of Economic Nonviolence We need a new paradigm for living on the earth because the old one is clearly not working. An alternative is now a survival...
Road to Rio+20 for Rights of Nature
The Global Alliance is planning to be an active, visible voice at Rio+20. We need your support. We are looking to raise an additional $12,000 to fund our participation in Rio. We invite you to listen to Robin’s 3 ½...
Mother Earth Should Not Be “Owned, Privatised and Exploited”
Aline Jenckel interviews, TOM B.K. GOLDTOOTH, Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network For complete interview visit http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=107733 UNITED NATIONS, May 9, 2012 (IPS) – For centuries, indigenous peoples and their rights, resources and lands have been exploited. Yet long...