Australia and New ZealandCommunity Bill of RightsConferencesRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesWild Law and Earth Jurisprudence
Australian Earth Laws Alliance Updates
Australian Wild Law Alliance (AWLA) announces that as of 22nd July they have changed to the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA). AELA’s new logo was created by designer Skeet Booth. The human fingerprint embedded in the leaf is a lovely...
Rights of Nature and the Commons
Remix the Commons is a collaborative and evolutive multimedia project. It aims to document and illustrate the key ideas and practices of the commons movement, including through the creative process of the project itself. The following videos with Shannon Biggs,...
Global Exchange Brings Rights of Nature to the 2012 Earth Summit (Rio+20)
by Shannon Biggs In partnership with the Global Alliance, Shannon Biggs and Global Exchange will be a strong voice advocating Rights of Nature at 2012 Earth Summit Rio+20. The following includes excerpts from Shannon’s blog of 7th June 2012. Read...
Global Alliance promoting Natural Law
Earth Island Journal’s Jason Mark, explores the emergence of the Rights of Nature movement and its growing impact in this month’s Journal article: Natural Law – From Rural Pennsylvania to South America, a Global Alliance is Promoting the Idea that...
UNFCCC COP17 Rights of Nature Highlights in Durban
UN COP17 Climate Change Conference was held in Durban, South Africa Monday, November 28 – December 9, 2011. While key negotiators for member states ended with an agreement that leaves the planet vulnerable to 3 to 5 degree Celsius temperature...
Rights of Nature Press Conference in COP17, Durban
Why do we bring the issue of Rights of Nature to a Climate Change negotiation? This was the question Pablo Solon posed as he spoke at the UN COP 17 Climate Change Press Conference on December 6, 2011 in Durban,...
Natalia Greene at Bioneers 2011 video
Natalia Greene is a key figure in the global movement to advance recognition of legal Rights for Nature. In 2008, Ecuador became the first country to recognize Rights of Nature and change their legal system to an Earth-centered democracy. Although...
The new civil rights movement, away from anthropocentrism and toward a sustainable world…
By Neil Sinclair to Natalia Greene Slavery Management control. Incarceration of the soul. Subjugation of a people, Prisoners working in the fields. Plantation economy, wealth for the few, Women in servitude, labor as fuel. The exploitation of the innocent, Chain...
The Rights of Nature at Bioneers
Bioneers has scheduled 4 presentations on Rights for Nature for their 2011 Conference. The Rights of Nature: An Idea Whose Time Has Come Natalia Greene, The Global Alliance for Rights of Nature, Fundacion Pachamama, CEDENMA – Saturday Morning 9am –...
Rights of Nature Strategy Summit
Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature members from Global Exchange, Fundacion Pachamama, Women’s Earth and Climate Caucus, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), CA Coastal Keepers, Council of Canadians, and Gaia participated in a Rights of Nature Strategy Summit...