Democracy Matters – Nati Greene
Thomas Linzey and Mari Margil interview Natalia Green of Fundacion Pachamama on her work assisting the Ecuador Constitutional Assembly to adopt Rights of Nature into the country’s constitution. Other topics addressed include the death of Osama Bin Laden, Obama’s birth...
Pachamama Alliance Hosts Global Alliance for Rights of Nature
On Tuesday, April 26th, The Pachamama Alliance hosted a panel discussion celebrating the second meeting of the Global Alliance for Rights of Nature, of which Pachamama is a founding member. Featured on the panel were Natalia Greene, of Fundación Pachamama;...
Pachamama Alliance Hosts Global Alliance for Rights of Nature
On Tuesday, April 26th, The Pachamama Alliance hosted a panel discussion celebrating the second meeting of the Global Alliance for Rights of Nature, of which Pachamama is a founding member. Featured on the panel were Natalia Greene, of Fundación Pachamama;...
Addis Ababa launches Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth
Professor Anwar Fazal launched the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth at the The Second Right Livelihood Lecture at Addis Ababa University as part of an International Mother Earth Day celebration on 21st April 2011. The audience included...
Intro news
Coming Spring 2011: The Rights of Nature: The Case for a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth and Cormac Cullinan is releasing an updated release of Wild Law in the United States! March 15,2011: The Times-Leader: Ordinance similar...