Australia and New ZealandenvironmentLatin AmericaRights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectives
Universal Declaration of River Rights
From Earth Law Center (ELC) In the first half of 2017, four rivers have been granted legal personhood status, that is, they have been granted the same legal rights as a juristic person. This includes the Whanganui River in New...
Assassination of South Africa community leader opposing mining by Australian Company
STATEMENT BY CULLINAN AND ASSOCIATES: We are appalled at the brutal assassination of Sikhosiphi “Bazooka” Rhadebe from Mdatya village, the chairperson of the Amadiba Crisis Committee. We have had the privilege of working with Bazooka and of representing the people...
EcuadorenvironmentGlobal AllianceIndigenous wisdomParis COP21Rights of Nature perspectivesTribunalUnited NationsWomenYasuni
Recognizing the Rights of Nature and the Living Forest
By Osprey Orielle Lake, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network International During COP21 U.N. climate negotiations and actions by the climate justice movement in Paris, two truly transformational ideas were presented that challenge dominant destructive paradigms and instead offer deep...
COP Out: The hollow promise of the Paris climate deal
Hal Rhoades, Gaia Foundation, December 16, 2015 COP21 has had a mixed reception and the agreement reached has been criticised more for what it doesn’t say as much as for what it does. The Gaia Foundation’s latest blog COP out:...
Climate ChangeenvironmentIndigenous wisdomParis COP21Rights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesRoN EventsTribunalUnited NationsUseful Resouces
Mind the gap: Climate negotiators and civil society don’t agree
By Elisa Garcia for Global Sisters Report Photo: Indigenous leader from Ecuador speaks to crimes against nature by Chevron to a 13-member international panel of judges headed by South African lawyer Cormac Cullinan, author of Wild Law. Left is co-prosecutor...
environmentEuropeGlobal AllianceIndigenous wisdomParis COP21Rights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesRoN EventsTribunalUnited Nations
Ta’kaiya Blaney – To turn the world around, turn it upside down
Ta’kaiya Blaney, through a poignant closing song at the International Rights of Nature Tribunal in Paris, shared the message If you want to turn the world around, you need to turn it upside down … video by Citizens’ Voice at...
Climate ChangeenvironmentParis COP21Rights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesTribunal
Fighting for Our Shared Future: Protecting Both Human Rights and Nature’s Rights.
By Linda Sheehan and Grant Wilson, Earth Law Center (ELC) Available online at: Paris, France—December 3, 2015, San Francisco Bay Area-based Earth Law Center (ELC) released a comprehensive report detailing “co-violations” of nature’s rights and human rights worldwide. “Co-violations”...
Making Peace with the Earth
Vandana Shiva asked us to share this personal video message to Paris and to everyone on “Making Peace with the Earth.” Please watch and share. We also invite you to sign A People’s Pact for Protection of the...
Australia and New ZealandenvironmentRights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesUnited StatesWild Law and Earth Jurisprudence
Responding to the Great Work: The Role of Earth Jurisprudence and Wild Law in the 21st Century
By Dr. Michelle Maloney* and Sister Patricia Siemen** ENVIRONMENTAL AND EARTH LAW JOURNAL, Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law, Vol. 5 (2015) > Iss. 1 I. Introduction Despite a proliferation of environmental law in the United Statesand around...
Australia and New ZealandenvironmentRights of NatureRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesUnited StatesWild Law and Earth Jurisprudence
Responding to the Great Work: The Role of Earth Jurisprudence and Wild Law in the 21st Century
By Dr. Michelle Maloney* and Sister Patricia Siemen** ENVIRONMENTAL AND EARTH LAW JOURNAL, Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law, Vol. 5 (2015) > Iss. 1 I. Introduction Despite a proliferation of environmental law in the United Statesand around...