Kari Oca II Blessing of the Declaration
Blessing ceremony of the historical Kari Oca II Declaration, Kari-Oka Village, at Sacred Kari-Oka Púku, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20 June 2012. Over five hundred Indigenous Peoples from Brazil and throughout the world gathered at Kari-Oca II, an encampment seated...
Peoples Sustainability Manifesto
For Action Beyond RIO+20, June 2012 The fourteen Peoples’ Sustainability Treaties, evolved through a consultative process with hundred of civil society organizations, converged at the Rio+20 to launch a Manifesto on the final day of the summit. They have declared...
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon message at Rio+20
Opening day of the Rio+20 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon opens the session by addressing the UN Major Groups Briefing. [yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq74KrQ0Rd8&feature=plcp’] June 21, 2012
Why REDD/REDD+ Is NOT a Solution
Tom B.K. Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network Note: This is an excerpt of one section from the NO REDD READER, A collection of articles written by REDD Monitor, Global Justice Ecology Project, Diego Alejandro Cardona, Tatiana Roa Avendaño, Honduran Garifuna Organization,...
Rio+20 Ma La Terra Pensa?
Davide Sapienza su “Sienza Verde” Per l’articolo “Sienza Verde” Il mensile online diretto da Sonia Toni, Scienza Verde, sul numero di giugno pubblicato oggi, ha chiesto a Davide Sapienza di esprimere un parere sull’imminente vertice in Brasile, Rio+20, dal punto...
20 years after the Earth Summit: What does the future hold?
Excerpts of article by Dr. Vandana Shiva. For complete article visit Aljazeera 01 Jun 2012 06:52 None of us are immune to climate change, or the effects it will have on the earth and our environment. In June 2012, movements...
Road to Rio+20 for Rights of Nature
The Global Alliance is planning to be an active, visible voice at Rio+20. We need your support. We are looking to raise an additional $12,000 to fund our participation in Rio. We invite you to listen to Robin’s 3 ½...
Mother Earth Should Not Be “Owned, Privatised and Exploited”
Aline Jenckel interviews, TOM B.K. GOLDTOOTH, Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network For complete interview visit http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=107733 UNITED NATIONS, May 9, 2012 (IPS) – For centuries, indigenous peoples and their rights, resources and lands have been exploited. Yet long...
Rights of Nature submissions to Rio+20 Zero Draft Document
Multiple member States and Major Groups included Rights of Nature and Rights of Mother Earth petitions in their submissions to the Rio+20 Zero Draft Document. Among them are the following submissions: Member States Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Proposal of the...
Rio+20: The Essential Information
From Vitae Civilis This paper aims to encourage and support the participation of civil society at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development – Rio+20 and the many processes around it. We seek to provide a synthetic and objective view...