Rights of Nature Strategy Summit
Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature members from Global Exchange, Fundacion Pachamama, Women’s Earth and Climate Caucus, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), CA Coastal Keepers, Council of Canadians, and Gaia participated in a Rights of Nature Strategy Summit...
Rights of Nature Strategy Summit
Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature members from Global Exchange, Fundacion Pachamama, Women’s Earth and Climate Caucus, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), CA Coastal Keepers, Council of Canadians, and Gaia participated in a Rights of Nature Strategy Summit...
NY town Adopts Community Rights Ordinance That Bans “Fracking”
The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) – Pennsylvania Community Rights Network announces Town of Wales, New York, adopts a Community Rights Ordinance that bans “fracking” “This local law embodies the will of our residents to protect our natural resources...
Emergency ‘Call to Action to Protect Earth’ by UN, Pope, Scientists and Indigenous
June 3, 2011 (Suzy Chaffe) Excerpts from Emergency ‘Call to Action to Protect Earth’ by UN, Pope, Scientists and Indigenous Following Bolivia’s passage of their domestic law “Recognizing Mother Earth as a living entity and giving Her the Same Rights as...
Dr. Vandana Shiva on Biopiracy and Rights of Nature
By Communication for Sustainable Social Change (CSSC) World-renowned physicist, philosopher, author and environmental activist, Vandana Shiva discusses biopiracy, where seed giants survey the genome of plants developed over thousands of years by indigenous farmers, and claim intellectual property rights under patent...
La Alianza Global para los Derechos de la Naturaleza lanza dos libros en San Francisco, CA California
El Comité Ejecutivo de la Alianza Global por los Derechos de la Naturaleza celebró su segundo encuentro, el 26 de abril 2011 en Green Gulch, San Francisco en el cual se discutieron las estrategias y la planificación de las actividades...
Earth Jurisprudence: Building Theory and Practice
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!!! Australia’s Third Wild Law Conference Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia 16-18 September, 2011 Earth Jurisprudence is an emerging theory of law which proposes that we rethink our legal and political systems to make sure they support,...
Turkey calling for ecological constitution
As the momentum for Rights on Nature intensifies around the world, Turkey is engaged in a vigorous debate on creating a new, citizen-centered constitution. The debate includes demands for an Ecological Constitution (IEC). On Sunday 22 May 2011, Today’s Zaman...
Turkey calling for ecological constitution
As the momentum for Rights on Nature intensifies around the world, Turkey is engaged in a vigorous debate on creating a new, citizen-centered constitution. The debate includes demands for an Ecological Constitution (IEC). On Sunday 22 May 2011, Today’s Zaman...
What if trees could sue?
by Peter Burdon, ABC Environment – May 17, 2011 Giving nature legal rights in a similar way as humans do may sound far fetched, but there are places around the world where this is becoming reality. Peter Burdon reflects on...
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