GARN Global - Rights Of Nature
Cali, Colombiafrom Oct 21 to Nov 1, 2024

Rights of Nature
Promotes Biodiversity

GARN is honored to attend #COP16 in Colombia. GARN will bring a unique perspective to this important dialogue by advocating for the legal recognition of Nature’s inherent rights. Our events will focus on recognizing the Amazon and Antarctica as legal entities and promoting Indigenous-led, real solutions for environmental justice. Join us in the call for Nature’s voice to be heard in all global environmental frameworks.

GARN Global - Rights Of Nature

Laws for the Earth booth

GARN, together with allies Earth Law Center and Stop Ecocide, will have a permanent booth at the Blue Zone, called “Laws for the Earth”. The booth will provide a permanent space to learn about the Rights of Nature and the Earth Jurisprudence movement. It will also serve as a meeting point to promote synergies and dialogue around the topic.

Other Rights of Nature events at COP16

Monday, October 21st

Biodiversity Offsets and Credits: examining risks and challenges

Monday October 21st
6:00 PM
Malpelo - Contact Group 1 meeting room Plaza One

Challenges and Experiences for Education, Awareness-Raising and Capacity Building to Accelerate Actions in the Defense of Biodiversity

Tuesday, October 22nd
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Press conference event Rights of Nature: A Systemic Solution to Protect Biodiversity

Organized by WECAN
Tuesday, October 22nd
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
The Media Center, Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacifico
Wednesday, October 23rd
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Book launch: Beyond Green Colonialism – Global Justice and Ecosocial Transitions

Organized by Global Working Group Beyond Development
Wednesday October 23rd
12:00 PM- 12:45 PM
Universidad ECCI - Salón 4 - Piso 8
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For a pact with the Earth: systemic transition proposals from the Ecosocial and Intercultural Pact of the South

Organized by Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur
Wednesday October 23rd
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Biblioteca Departamental Jorge Garcés Borrero- Auditorio Diego Garcés
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Are the Rights of Nature compatible with commercial valuations of biodiversity?

Organized by Asamblea Mundial por la Amazonía (AMA)
Wednesday October 23rd
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
"Cámara de Comercio de Cali - Auditorio Principal
Thursday, October 24th

Panel and documentary launch: The Risks of Oil and Noise Pollution in the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest

Thursday October 24th
12:00 PM
Banco de Occidente - Sala 4

Yasuní: A historic opportunity to stop the climate crisis

Thursday October 24th
6:30 PM - 7:15 PM
Banco de Occidente - Sala 4
Friday, October 25th
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Mining Energy Transition and No Go Zones

Organized by CEDENMA
Friday October 25th
7:30 AM - 8:15 AM
Centro Cultural de Cali - Auditorio Principal
Cra. 5 #6-05
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Youth-led Conservation Action: Get Involved in Ongoing Projects

Organized by Reserva: The Youth Land Trust
Friday October 25th
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Youth Pavilion Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico
Only with accreditation for the Blue zone
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Pan-Amazonian Social Forum. Agreement for life in the face of ecological collapse

Friday October 25th
11:00 AM - 12.00 PM
DIAN - Auditorio Principal

From Science to Action: For a Just World on a Safe Planet

Organized by Global Commons Alliance
Friday October 25th
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Colombia Pavilion, Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico

Sustainable and regenerative settlements to live in peace with nature

Organized by CASA Latina
Friday October 25th
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM
Universidad ECCI Salon 2 piso 8
Thursday, October 31st
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Amazon Free from Extractivism: Time to end the oil, gas and critical minerals exploitation in this key biome to address the climate crisis, protect biodiversity, and guarantee Indigenous Rights

Organized by Amazon Watch
Thursday October 31st
10:10 AM
Cocuy - Marie Khan Women's Caucus meeting room Plaza One
Only with accreditation for the Blue zone
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Rights of Nature for the Fresh Water’s Protection

Organized by International Rivers, ELC, Wildlife Conservation Society, Legal Defense Institute Federation of Kukama Kukamiria, Indigenous Women of the Marañón River, The Samiria "Huaynakana Kamahuara Kana", GARN
Thursday October 31st
12:00 PM
Banco de la República Salon de Musica Calle 7 #4-69, Cali Colombia
GARN Global - Rights Of Nature
Enhance the Rights of Nature in your country

Join The Revolution

These are the countries that have recognized the Rights of Nature.
The countries in gray have put forward Rights of Nature proposals.
Download the map, share around and help us spread this seed!
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