“Today, the Sierra Club, the Council of Canadians, and Greenpeace Mexico released a new report, NAFTA 2.0: For People Or Polluters? In the trinational report, leading economists from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico present original research on the North American Free Trade Agreement’s (NAFTA) obstacles to climate progress and quantify the climate pollution locked in by the controversial trade deal. As talks to renegotiate NAFTA intensify, the report reveals how the Trump administration’s NAFTA 2.0 agenda poses even greater climate threats. In contrast, the report lays out a new proposal for a climate-friendly NAFTA replacement.”
To read more about this important report, please click here>> https://www.sierraclub.org/press-releases/2018/04/new-report-will-nafta-20-be-for-people-or-polluters