Movement Rights in Bonn, Germany
Movement Rights is in Bonn Germany with colleagues to present Rights of Nature as an alternative framework for justice and climate rights. Today they are launching their new report for Bonn, Rights of Nature & Mother Earth Rights Based Law, which Movement Rights, co-edited with partners Women’s Earth and Climate Network (WECAN) and the International Environmental Network (IEN).
With contributions from global leaders including Pablo Solon (Bolivia); Cormac Cullinan (South Africa) Maude Barlow (Canada) and many others, this report explores not just the idea of a radical shift toward recognizing rights of ecosystems (and our responsibilities to the Earth) but includes global examples from around the world where these new laws are taking root. They are inviting readers to Please download and share this new report.
Movement Rights, WECAN and IEN are organizing members and active participants in the 4th International Rights of Nature Tribunal hosted by the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) November 7-8 in Bonn, at the LVR-Landesmuseum with an informative teach-in event to follow.
Click to read Movement Rights Announcement newsletter.