The Global Alliance joins Amazon Watch and Bay Area Residents in calling for a Global Day of Action to Protect Yasuni and asking for your support by signing onto the letter being circulated by Yasunidos SF.
Send your organizational sign on to yasunidossf@gmail.com. They will be sending it to the Ecuadorian Consulate in LA this week. Yasunidos is currently collecting final signatures for the referendum to keep oil in the ground under Yasuni ITT and delivering them on Saturday.
For more info on the international campaign to defend Yasuni, check out:
Leila Salazar-López
Amazon Watch Program Director
Dear Friends,
We are a group of Bay Area residents working in solidarity with the grassroots group in Ecuador called Yasunidos. As you may know, the Yasuni National Park in Ecuador—a region with the highest biodiversity on the planet—is under imminent threat of oil drilling. Yasunidos is a growing (Ecuadorian) national movement to persuade the government of Pres. Rafael Correa to hold a referendum where the Ecuadorian people will decide whether or not to drill in the Yasuni ITT Region. It is the last chance to halt oil drilling and time is of the essence.
Folks from Yasunidos have reached out to us asking concerned people and organizations to help put international pressure on the Correa adminstration this week—at the same time Yasunidos presents the signatures that they have collected (for the referendum) to the administration.
Therefore, we ask you for your support of the Yasunidos initiative by visiting the Yasunidos website, by signing their online petition, and most importantly, by signing on to a letter that we will email this week to the Ecuadorian Consulate in Los Angeles, CA. Please find attached the letter–developed by a YASUNIDOS member. Please let us know if your organization would like to sign on before Thursday, April 10th, the Global Day of Action to Protect the Yasuni.
We realize this is very short notice, but need to do everything we can to halt the drilling of the Yasuni. Please let us know if you can support this effort.
In Solidarity with YASUNIDOS,
Malena Mayorga
Michael Borucke