Earth Island Journal’s Jason Mark, explores the emergence of the Rights of Nature movement and its growing impact in this month’s Journal article: Natural Law – From Rural Pennsylvania to South America, a Global Alliance is Promoting the Idea that Ecosystems Have Intrinsic Rights .
Marks interviews key leaders Rights of Nature movement including Cormac Cullinan, Mari Margill, Thomas Linzey, Nati Greene, Bill Twist, Shannon Biggs, Pablo Solon and Christopher Stone.
“Ideas matter. The thought-provoking language in the rights of nature laws has helped to re-frame the debate about how to balance the needs of 7 billion humans against the needs of the rest of the planet’s living communities.”
“The rights of nature concept can be influential even if it’s not implemented.” And yet it is being implemented from rural Pennsylvania to South America. In the process, the debate “will compel people to rethink the basic assumptions about our society.”
For the complete article visit: Natural Law – From Rural Pennsylvania to South America, a Global Alliance is Promoting the Idea that Ecosystems Have Intrinsic Rights .