THE PLACE TO B – 3RD DECEMBER 14H30/17H30 PLACE TO B 5 rue de Dunkerque, 75010, Paris, France
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To clarify initiatives convergence towards international frames to protection of the planet, a conference will take on December 3rd at Place to B. Experts will clarify the different concepts and emerging principles of the Law of the Earth (Earth Law). These proposals aim to raise the right to a healthy environment as a basic standard and to grant Rights to Nature. They provide relevant insights into the close relations between the fields of environmental law and human rights in order to assert the principle of interdependence binding nature and human beings and their responsibilities. The object will be to present these legal angles and create a dialogue between different holders of proposals, instruments, declarations, court success and emerging initiatives.- The complementarity of these approaches have the potential, in their interpretation and implementation, of ending unlimited exploitation of natural resources which jeopardizes all future on earth.
- They give rise to a paradigm shift by encouraging international environmental law to recognize rights to nature and the rights of future generations.
- Finally, these initiatives contribute to an evolution of consciousness and human behavior by providing a transition to systems of governance that are guided by the general interest of the Living on Earth, recognizing that human is at the heart of a system of life beyond him, and that we must respect the laws, processes and boundaries in order to maintain the balance of the system.