International Rights of Nature Tribunal Lima, Peru – December 2014
The effects of climate change on our planet include: increases in sea level, ocean acidification, biodiversity loss, impacts on water cycles, desertification, fires, and weather event increases, among others. Half of the animals on the planet are at risk of disappearing. The Quito Tribunal accepted the case of Climate Change and advancing of false solutions as a clear violation of the rights of nature, water, animals, and people. The case raises the need to move to a system in harmony with nature to replace the capitalist model of infinite growth and accumulation. The Tribunal in Lima heard additional evidence regarding the impacts to Mother Earth, realities of false solutions such as geoengineering and those responsible for these crimes against nature. Objective of the Tribunal: present evidence and advance the case towards COP21 in Paris-France. Presented by- Pablo Solon, Focus on the Global South (Bolivia)
- Nnimmo Bassey, Health of Mother Earth Foundation (Nigeria)
- Silvia Ribeiro, ETC Group (Mexico)
- Mary Lou Malig, Global Forest Coalition (Thailand)
- Genevieve Azam, ATTAC (France)