Books and ArticlesInterviewsRights of Nature lawsRights of Nature perspectivesUnited StatesWild Law and Earth Jurisprudence
The law, Marx and Mother Earth
See you in court? Mother Earth has an ally in Stephen Marx on the march for her legal rights in Vermont. Read the full article The law, Marx and Mother Earth in the Burlington Free Press, by Joel Banner Baird,...
Rights of Nature on Terra Verde KPFA Radio
Terra Verde, for January 11, 2013 – 1:00pm How would environmental protection, both in California and around the world, change if nature were given legal rights to exist and thrive? Terra Verde explores the Rights of Nature movement with Shannon...
UN Radio: Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature promotes its cause at Rio+20
More than 100 heads of State and government, along with thousands of people from civil society are in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development. The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature is hoping that...
Rights of Nature and Eradicating Ecocide – KWMR Radio
Listen to this great discussion about Eradicating Ecocide and Instituting the Rights of Nature with Louise Kulbicki, Ecocide Legal Coordinator who is working with Polly Higgins in the UK, and Linda Sheehan, Executive Director of the Earth Law Center working...
Robin Milam speaks about Rights of Nature on What Now!
Ken Rose host of What Now – Extended interviews with accomplished thinkers, writers, artists, farmers and scientists addressing the global crisis on KOWS Radio Occidental 107.3 FM interviews Robin Milam on Rights of Nature and the global grassroots movement to...
Mother Nature Gets Her Day in Court
Discovery News – Friday January 27 Tim Will of Discovery News speaks with Mari Margil, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) and Linda Sheehan ,Earth Law Center, about Rights of Nature laws in the US, Ecuador and Bolivia. Ecuador and...
Community Rights in the focus
Shannon Biggs (Global Exchange) and Thomas Linzey (CELDF) were invited on NPR’s ‘Your Call’ with Rose Aguilar to discuss community and nature’s rights and how communities across the US are undertaking rights-based organizing to get what they want in the...
Earth Jurisprudence – Peter Burdon and Mari Margil interview with Phillip Adams on ABC’s LateNightLive
Phillip Adams interviews Peter Burdon and Mari Margil on ABC’s LateNightLive. The discussion on Earth Jurisprudence was triggered by the recent Rights of Nature case awarding damages to the Vilcabamba River. Mari Margil talks about how earlier this year, a...
Rights of Mother Nature perspectives from leading advocates
In honor of Earth Day 2011, City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center hosted a blog panel on Rights of Nature. The distinguished international panel of leading Rights of Nature advocates included Shannon Biggs, Cormac Cullinan, Vandana Shiva, Maude...
Dr. Vandana Shiva on Biopiracy and Rights of Nature
By Communication for Sustainable Social Change (CSSC) World-renowned physicist, philosopher, author and environmental activist, Vandana Shiva discusses biopiracy, where seed giants survey the genome of plants developed over thousands of years by indigenous farmers, and claim intellectual property rights under patent...
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