International Rights of Nature Tribunal Lima, Peru ~ December 2014
Esparanza Martinez – Expert Witness
Esparanza Martinez presents evidence of damages to the Gulf of Mexico by the British Petroleum BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill of April 2010.Center for Biological Diversity Studies
Miyoko Skashita, environmental attorney who directs the Oceans Program at the Center for Biological Diversity, presents a grim synopsis of the lingering impacts of the British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and the “bathtub ring of oil” on the surface of the ocean. Center for Biological Diversity has an outstanding law suit pending that is requesting release of documents that would indicate how much oil and how many toxins were released into the Gulf of Mexico. Reports referenced in video:- A Deadly Toll: The Gulf Oil Spill and the Unfolding Wildlife Disaster A Center for Biological Diversity Report — April 2011
- CATASTROPHE IN THE gulf of Mexico: devastation persists 2014
Four Years After BP’s Deepwater Horizon Dumped 200 Million Gallons of Oil Into Gulf, 50-plus Citizen Groups Call on EPA to Extend Oil Giant’s Suspension From Government Contracts For Immediate Release, April 18, 2014