Sunday, October 5, 2014, 10am to 2pm “The Forum,” Laney College
900 Fallon St., Oakland
FREE; registration is required Click to Register Now!
The Bay Area Rights of Nature Ethics Tribunal will examine the violations of nature’s rights and human rights caused by the fossil fuel industry, using Chevron’s refinery in Richmond as a case study. By highlighting the impacts on people and nature from the Chevron refinery and “Big Oil” activities, the Tribunal will also place on trial current legal and economic systems that advance the destruction of nature. The event will be part of the global “Earth Rights Days of Action” and the related efforts of the International Rights of Nature Tribunals in Quito, Ecuador (January 2014) and Lima, Peru (December 2014). Tribunal judges include:- Carl Anthony (Breakthrough Communities; Urban Habitat)
- Brian Swimme (California Institute of Integral Studies; Journey of the Universe)
- Anuradha Mittal (Oakland Institute)
- Courtney Cummings (Arikara and Cheyenne; Native Wellness Center, Richmond)
- Bill Twist (Pachamama Alliance)
- The “Web of Life Labyrinth,” created by local artists
- Local music; food for purchase
- Insights from Bay Area ecological justice, human rights, local economy, indigenous, women’s, and other groups.
Save your space for this important event; register now at: